“In sickness and in health, for better, for worse… And all that tosh,” she declared at the 21st century altar. 

The last lines of my previous blog inspired me to write about marriage and ‘the one.’ Tosh for me is not something I believe in, I am one for affection and laughter. Deep down, I would like the quote in the title to be reciprocated around my loved ones. Getting to the stage of hearing these very words is a wonderful process. For some, their relationships are easy and effortless. For others, it takes time to get there…but in the end, love conquers all.

I observe my parents, married for over 30 years and they squabble and make up in seconds. Whatever keeps the love afloat. This love is projected as effortless… In reality, it really is effortless. Compatibility and effortlessness are incredible features of a positive marriage… Relationship. Bonding between two people. For me respect and loyalty goes without saying, but humour is always number one. Laughter can alleviate stresses and keep things light in moments of fright or restriction of sight and moments of searching for the light. Being single, I am at a liberating stage that I will call, ‘flying the kite.’ I reassure you, everyday I am reaching a new height.

Today, I learnt the value of not wanting to date someone with no potential of a relationship. It struck me, how we really are in control of what we put out there. I would much rather ‘fly the kite’ higher than the standards we can sometimes set ourselves. It’s not about taking the high road, gaining the upper hand, but maintaining a happy equilibrium with yourself. Knowing your limits on your desire to be close to someone, but stopping it from happening as it may distort how you perceive yourself. And to be frank, I am extremely happy with who I am, I don’t want to risk devaluing that. If anything, I want to boost it doing things that my heart wholeheartedly wants, desires and longs for.

In sickness and in health, for better for worse, I choose a mindful life. A life of solitude and reflection wins all until the sentimental tosh be spoken by my Prince Charming that I wholeheartedly believe.

I do.


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